Events Calendar
2025-2026 Community & Visitor Guide Ad Sales
Market your business in 8,000 paper Community & Visitor Guides! New guide produced about every 18 months - so don't miss this edition Distributed in several high traffic locations including Santa Rosa Airport, Outside Chamber Office & Map Affordable pricing - Ad creation available at subsidized rate Purchase on Chamber Website Premium Positions - All are full page / If need ad creation addt'l cost $375*: Inside Front Cover - $1,250 Back Cover - $1,375 Inside Back Cover - $1,200 Full Page 3 - $1,250 Inside Pages / If need ad created addt'l cost listed below* Full Page - $950 / Ad Creation $375 1/2 Page - $625 / Ad Creation $200 1/4 Page $425 / Ad Creation $150 1/8 Page $250 / Ad Creation $100 *Nelson Sobel Design will create ad & you will receive a copy - To help our members, ad creation cost partially subsidized by the Chamber
Categories: CommunityChamber Of Commerce
RegisterAM Rohnert Park Networking Breakfast - Sponsored by Wine Country Radio
Join us for our January AM Rohnert Park Networking Breakfast! Be our breakfast sponsor and have ten minutes to address the group and only the sponsor can put marketing materials on the tables. Our AM Rohnert Park events are a great opportunity to network while enjoying a talented guest speaker and a delicious breakfast.
Categories: CommunityChamber Of CommerceNetworking
Planting Seeds. Growing Businesses.