Benefits of Membership
Enjoy Unsurpassed Benefits and Privileges Available Exclusively to Chamber Members
- Credibility that comes from association with the most appreciated business organization in the county
- Exhibiting opportunities at business-building events - such as Preview Rohnert Park and Business Expo - available only to members
- Powerful and respected government advocacy initiatives on behalf of business that foster and promote a pro-business environment statewide
- Exceptional networking and publicity opportunities - more than 60 events annually where you can meet some of the most influential and prominent business leaders in the community
- Exclusive member discount programs
- Professional development and volunteer opportunities
- Membership in the Rohnert Park professional business community
Chamber Membership Brings Credibility to Your Business
- Positive perception increases among consumers and business owners when a business is identified as a member of the local chamber of commerce.
- A national study by the Schapiro Group, an Atlanta-based market research firm, reveals a number of important findings about how consumers and business owners perceive the local chamber of commerce and the businesses that are their members:
- Consumers who are told that a business is chamber members are 51% more likely to be highly aware of it and 57% are more likely to think positively of its local reputation.
- When consumers know that a business is a member of the local chamber of commerce, they are 44% more likely to think favorably about it.
- Consumers are 63% more likely to buy goods and services in the future from a company that they know is a member of the local chamber of commerce.
- When business decision-makers know that a business is a chamber member, they are 37% more likely to think favorably of the business, 51% more likely to be highly aware of it, 58% more likely to think positively of its local reputation, and 59% more likely to buy goods and services from it.
- Regarding the chamber’s impact on the local economy, 82% of respondents believe that the local chamber of commerce helps create jobs and promotes local economic growth.
Planting Seeds. Growing Businesses.