Events Calendar
Noon Times Networking Luncheon - Sponsored by Henley & Mann Dental Office
Come join Rohnert Park Chamber of Commerce for our monthly Noon Times Luncheon! Our Noon Times events are a great opportunity to network while enjoying talented guest speakers and a delicious catered buffet lunch.
Categories: CommunityChamber Of CommerceNetworking
RegisterDining Out For Life Sonoma County
Dining Out For Life is Sonoma County’s largest dine-and-donate event, directly benefiting Food For Thought food bank.
Categories: Festivals & CelebrationsCommunityNetworking
Categories: CommunityChamber Of CommerceNetworking
RegisterUnleash Your Membership Benefits - How the Chamber Can Help You Grow Your Business
Are you a member of the Rohnert Park Chamber? Or are you thinking about joining? Join us at our Unleash Your Membership Benefits - How the Chamber Can Help You Grow Your Business Workshop on Monday, Dec 16 from 3-4pm. We will be using Zoom, see the meeting login details.
Categories: CommunityChamber Of CommerceNetworking
RegisterWomen in Business Holiday Social & Gift Exchange Luncheon
Join us for the December Women in Business Holiday Social & Gift Exchange! Bring a wrapped gift, value of $20-$25, for the gift exchange which will include some gift stealing too! Participation is voluntary. Our Women in Business Luncheon is a great opportunity to network while enjoying some holiday fun.
Categories: CommunityChamber Of CommerceHolidayNetworking
RegisterGrand Opening & Ribbon Cutting Hosted by Culture Fitness
Join Rohnert Park Chamber of Commerce and Culture Fitness for a ribbon cutting located at 572 Martin Avenue Suite A. Their grand opening event is from 11am to 2pm with the chamber ribbon cutting at 11:30am. Free to Attend & Open to All Complimentary appetizers & refreshments Membership Giveaways Swag & Apparel Music
Categories: CommunityChamber Of CommerceNetworking
RegisterAM Rohnert Park Networking Breakfast - Sponsored by NorthBay biz Magazine
Join us for our January AM Rohnert Park Networking Breakfast! Be our breakfast sponsor and have ten minutes to address the group and only the sponsor can put marketing materials on the tables. Our AM Rohnert Park events are a great opportunity to network while enjoying a talented guest speaker and a delicious breakfast.
Categories: CommunityChamber Of CommerceNetworking
RegisterCANCELLED - After Hours Networking Mixer - Hosted by Hitroff Consulting LLC
Come join Hitroff Consulting and Rohnert Park Chamber of Commerce for a networking mixer! Complimentary appetizers & refreshments Free to attend and open to all Raffle Prizes - Bring a raffle prize & advertise your business Business Card Drawing Chamber Member Pot of Gold Drawing at 6:15 - All chamber members entered - Must be present to win
Categories: CommunityChamber Of CommerceNetworking
RegisterGrand Opening & Ribbon Cutting Hosted by Redwood Gospel Missions
Join Rohnert Park Chamber of Commerce and Redwood Gospel Missions for a ribbon cutting located at 375 Southwest Blvd. Their grand opening event is from 8:30-9:30am with the chamber ribbon cutting at 9am. Free to Attend & Open to All Complimentary appetizers & refreshments Membership Giveaways Swag & Apparel Music
Categories: CommunityChamber Of CommerceNetworking
RegisterUnleash Your Membership Benefits - How the Chamber Can Help You Grow Your Business
Are you a member of the Rohnert Park Chamber? Or are you thinking about joining? Join us at our Unleash Your Membership Benefits - How the Chamber Can Help You Grow Your Business Workshop on Monday, Jan 27 from 3-4pm. We will be using Zoom, see the meeting login details.
Categories: CommunityChamber Of CommerceNetworking
Planting Seeds. Growing Businesses.