We are excited to announce the 2024 Summer Kick-Off Expo in partnership with the City of Rohnert Park! We had 1,500+ attend last year, so great exposure for your business! Lots of families attend and businessowners too.
In addition to the booths, there will be lots of activities for families and food for purchase.
To reserve your booth spot or sponsorship, click on the 'Register' button. You must be a chamber member to be an event sponsor and to take advantage of the member booth price. You will need a member login to register, if you need help email us at info@rohnertparkchamber.org or call the Chamber Office at (707) 584-1415.
Sponsor Info - Deadline May 3 - If you register by April 5, your logo will be included in the event poster being sent to Cotati-Rohnert Park Unified School District Families
Saturday May 18, 2024
11:00 AM - 2:00 PM PDT
Booth Set-up: 8:30-10am
Vendor Networking: 10-11am
Open to the Public: 11am-2pm
Event is Open to the Public & Free to Attend - Families are welcome!
Rohnert Park Chamber of Commerce
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Printed courtesy of www.rohnertparkchamber.org/ – Contact the Rohnert Park Chamber of Commerce for more information.
101 Golf Course Drive, C-7, Rohnert Park, CA 94928 – (707) 584-1415 – info@rohnertparkchamber.org